Is usually MovieStarPlanet Hack (MSP), a safe and fun place for the children?

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Is usually moviestarplanet hack (MSP), a secure msp hack fun place for children?
.. or is it a grownup money-making machine, exposing children to explicit adult content, while adding them in danger of being hacked, scammed msp hack approached by adult stalkers?

Because a parent, you have to be careful letting your children use social networks. Grooming, hacking, charge card scams, bullying msp hack exposure to explicit adult content, are plenty.
moviestarplanet hack. com claims to be a safe msp hack fun place for children at the age of 8 to 15.

These are MSP's words from the moviestarplanet compromise website: "At moviestarplanet crack, we have been dedicated to keeping the website safe, fun msp hack clean for everyone. "
Regarding safety: "moviestarplanet hack takes the safety of its users very seriously. Vernon Jones is the Head of Safety at moviestarplanet hack msp compromise his role is to safeguard children against all varieties of inappropriate conduct msp hack keep the online community as safe as you possibly can.
moviestarplanet hack aims to provide children aged between eight msp hack 15 years with a safe, secure msp hack fun sociable networking platform. "
Info for the patients parents: "moviestarplanet hack is a great game msp hack community for the children to have fun, be creative msp hack make friends. The safety of our users is our highest top priority at moviestarplanet hack. "

Lets msp hack tool this to the test

moviestarplanet hack in the beginning look:
The first impression you get of the moviestarplanet hack site, is this log-on screen.
gra msp

A pimp-looking wanna-be msp hack a trashy blonde.....! Is this kids-friendly, simply because the image is poorly drawn, msp hack even worse animated? Hardly.

The first impression you get of moviestarplanet hack, right after creating your avatar, which any adult can do by the way, is that MSPs focus actually isn't about children. It's purely about making money. This website is seeking it's absolute best to put cmsp hacky in front of kids, making them beg their parents to buy it. Nothing on MSP has any real value what so actually! Still, they sell their "items" for sky high prices.

$79. 99 is VERY expensive for getting some virtual cloths msp hack diamonds! Most other social networks are completely free, msp hack give you a far better product. An individual can even get real quality games for way less money. Look at any top title at a gaming store, msp hack you will pay $59 at most, for something that offers MUCH better quality msp hack entertainment.

About top of delivering a very small products at a very high price, MSPs access msp hack virtual items are restricted to a certain timeframe. When the time is up, you need to buy it again!... As well as, you still have to buy all the stuff privately, after paying for being a "VIP", which only gives the directly to the items.

In short: MSP provides very poor content at extremely high overprices.

MSP security:
Besides being extremely expensive compared to what you get, MSP is nowhere near as safe as the company desires you to definitely believe. MSP is the perfect place for groomers msp hack crammers. Anyone can make a fake online email, which is the only security check MSP have, despite the fancy words on their site. Any adult can freely msp hack privately chat with thousmsp hackers of children worldwide. Youngsters may easily be tricked into giving away personal information, by promises of free stuff. What MSP means by "The safety of our own users is our greatest priority at moviestarplanet compromise. " is a mystery, as there is no safety or security at all. MSP do have some moderators, who check out information. But as anyone can enter MSP anonymously, combing msp hack scamming can be done comfortably in complete safely. msp hack IF trapped, the person can just make another anonymous account msp hack continue the hunt.

MSP claims that the identities of the children on the site are kept secret. Take a simple search for art-books msp hack you will see that MSPs statement is highly incorrect.

These kinds of are only a few illustrations. The leak of personal information ranges hundreds of pages!

MSP, the social community:
The social part of MSP, is in form of the clumsy profile web page, that every user have. You can send msp hack receive messages, msp hack put some badges, that's it. It's the most limited platform I actually have ever seen. Even Twitter has more opportunities, despite it's simplicity.

MSP would probably claim that it's due to "safety msp hack security", but looking at the way the game is run, it's crystal clear that the real reason, is due to lack of programming skills. The platform is made in flash, which makes it heavy, stiff msp hack extremely slow. Generating "real" social network content, would make the site even more heavy msp hack practically unusable. The particular MSP code seems extremely clumpy msp hack old. This is probably also the reason why MSP doesn't create a real mobile application for the game.
The chat rooms are painfully slow too, msp hack really shows having less code optimization. Besides being slow, they don't look great either. The images are terrible, msp compromise the animations are really really bad. Everything is "stick-man" animated, msp crack done by people who doesn't have a hint about ergonomics.

MSP, the game:
The "game" part of MSP is very limited as well. The particular avatar is leveled by getting fame. Fame can be bought for money (real money) or obtained by making movies. We guess that this is what MSP is referring to, as the "game". The movie maker is horrible to say the least. It's clumsy msp hack limited, which makes for minimal opportunities to make something worth viewing. Most of the children don't even care either, as you earn celebrity based on the amount of men and women watching, the quality of the movie. So?



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