yacht charter in Croatia without skipper

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That is merely where all the yacht's modern equipment came in handy. Wifi was used by us. We didn't assume that Rovinj is not empty of vacant hotel rooms in peak season. Our love Rovinj is on the horizon.
Goodbye to our skipper John and Daisy. The earth swayed underfoot for some time, but it'd soon pass in the stout stony walls. Out Of The Blue we got the best room at the villa -other rooms were inhabited. Closing the door of the room that was new, we felt the most happy moment of the whole excursion. Why? We are willing to divulge our huge secret.

Music is everywhere, and the atmosphere is full of inviting flavors of dainty food in the seaside. You sit and a bottle of wine on your own yacht, comparing the impressions of the day that is spent and smiling at each other. Perhaps someday they'll also choose sailing and charter yacht that is own!
Sailing is not very ugly! Sometimes blue, sometimes turquoise water; snowy-white sails full of wind; you are free as a fowl; salt spray and white sea foam on your own face!



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