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The two new titanosaur fossils were studied with a team of scientists led by Bernardo Gonzalez Riga. Matthew Lamanna, assistant curator of vertebrate paleontology on the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania done the c's that has been led by Riga. Mr. Lamanna said, "You'd definitely feel vibrations when many them were moving, as being a herd of buffalo shakes the soil." He also said, "But they definitely walked instead of ran. I don't think titanosaurs could move in a short time." Mr. Lamanna, who holds a Ph.D. in paleontology, that has a research give attention to southern Hemisphere dinosaurs, was summoned by Riga about 6 in the past to help you analyze the fossils discovered roughly 1 / 4 mile other than the other from the same rock layer. The two new titanosaur specimens had identical tail bones revealing precisely the same species. Other fossils discovered in the titanosaurs include back, forelimb and pelvis bones. They also found an extensive ankle and foot on the smaller specimen. This find helps explain how tree-trunk-like ankles and feet contains such few bones and tiny toes. With this discovery, a mysterious was solved about how exactly titanosaurs made it possible to stand and walk. Scientists now are aware that titanosaur bones, especially their vertebrae were lightweight but strong given that they were infused with air. Another thing the scientists determined was that titanosaurs moved in herds because on the fossilized footprints they discovered which proves this. Paleontologists believe the climate was warmer which the lush foliage gave these dinosaurs plenty to consume. This in turn produced these huge specimens of titanosaurs which were discovered.

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