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weekend yacht charter in Croatia

Posted by on in No-Fuss Products Of car Around The USA
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It was so much fun other. Tony our guide was the craziest attempting to flip us at every opportunity. Afterwards as we were about to go down a quick John called bomba we were soaked and we jumped into the centre as it filled with water. The water was clearer than the coldest I had sensed to and any I'd ever seen before. I'd the greatest time I haven't laughed so much in ages. When we got back it was time for another 3 course lunch - delicious. After lunch we headed down the shore to Krvavica, where we chartered a yacht. Positively stunning. We headed out to dinner as a thunderstorm hit and we were soaked it was uproarious.
After breakfast we headed off to the Island of Bol. Situated on the opposite side of the Island Palmizana, which is famed for Zlatni Rat, the gold horn shore, the most photographed and most famous beach in Croatia, where we had our first swim stop and leapt off the top deck into the clear blue water it was astonishing. Now was the first day we actually had fine weather so it was perfect for our swim. We headed out for dinner and then onto a Cocktail bar that night. yacht charter Croatia vat



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